Always have something to look forward to

I've become hooked on the Netflix series - Comedians, In Cars, Getting Coffee.  Jerry Seinfeld (remember him?) is the host and started the show because he wanted to do a talkshow that was different.  So he came up with just what the title says, comedians (Jerry invites comedians he admires and likes) who are in cars (classic cars) and they get coffee (which is like oxygen to me).  So you can see how I was sold on this series.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus was Jerry's guest on an episode (remember her?).  As they were talking about life in general, she said that her grandmother told her something she would never forget and she still keeps this in mind every day - Always have something to look forward to.

Always have something to look forward to.

She went on to say that it could be a little thing, or it could be a big thing.  But you'll be happier in life if you have something to look forward to.

And I thought, "Yes!"  

How often are we so caught up in what we have to do (or what we imagine we have to do), that we don't think about what we have to look forward to.

I'm going to start doing this.  Actually, I already have.  For instance, right now, I'm looking forward to this weekend.  I plan on not setting my alarm clock on both Saturday AND Sunday so that I can sleep in.  My husband's response to this is always, "So that means you'll be up at 7."  And yeah, he's usually right.  But the fact that I don't have to set an alarm makes me happy and gives me a little thing to look forward to.

My BIG thing that I'm looking forward to comes in March.  I get to go see a concert, Gary Allan, with one of my oldest friends.  (There's got to be another way to say that - we've been friends since kindergarten, how's that?)

So I'm curious - What are you looking forward to?

In Joy & Confidence,



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