
Showing posts from October, 2010

Keep Track of All The Holiday To Do's

List lovers will LOVE this free website!  Keep track of all of your to-do's, create, update and share dozens of customized and printable lists.  You can also check lists via email and test. Keep one list for gifts, one for your holiday budget, one for to-do's around the house - the possibilities are endless, yet your to-do list is in one place.  No more scribbling on post it notes and losing them. Very user friendly!  Visit to see for yourself!

Santa Needs an Inventory

Before you play "Santa" and shop for your children this Christmas season, take an inventory of what they have, what they need and purge what they can do without.  This will allow you to spend your money wisely this Christmas season - that is more important now more than ever!

Protect Your Valuables - and Tell a Story

I saw this display at a recent trip to Mejer.  HP offers photo books to inventory all items in your home. You take photos of your home and upload them at HP's photo center.  You can also scan receipts of appraisals to be included in the photo book.  It would also be a great way to keep track of home improvements.  Take photos of a home project and scan the receipts to make your own project book.  You'll have all of the information in one place.  Keep a shelf solely for these books - or keep them in a safe place such as a safe deposit box.  Find out more by visiting Looks like you can also accomplish the same thing in the comfort of your own home by visiting

Velcro is Your Friend

I have the pleasure of introducing my friend, and right hand woman, Audra Fettinger to you.  She is a domestic engineer with a husband and two small children.  From time to time she will be presenting amazing tips and tricks that she has engineered for her family to make their lives run smoother.     Enjoy! Next time you’re at a big box store, buy a package or two of Velcro. I’ve used it everywhere! My breadbox lid doesn’t suddenly spring open any more. Little Girl’s car seat buckles; not under her bottom anymore. And her pants with the impossible button, has now been reborn with Velcro in the button’s place. In our home we also have gadgets with Velcro around the handles so they will stick to the wall. The garage door opener? It’s stuck right their on the side of the charging station by the front door. Heck I’ve even put Velcro on a pencil and stuck it right to a student’s desk. Where can you use some Velcro in your home or office? Written by: AF

Will You Be Hosting Guests Over The Holidays? Get Your Guest Room Ready Now.

If you will be having friends and family staying with you over the holidays, now is the time to de-clutter and set up your guest room. Start by de-cluttering the room.  Use a trash bag, a recycle box, a box marked move, and a box marked donations.  Work from the left to the right of the room.  Remove all obvious trash and recycling first.  Then start grouping like items together.  As you are doing this, you will find items that need to be moved to another room.  Place them in the move box.  You will also find items that you no longer want, use or need.  Place them in the donations box.  Once you have gone through the entire room and remove the move box (move the items to where they belong), remove the donations box to your local Goodwill, throw out the trash and recycling, you will have a de-cluttered room.  Organize what's left into appropriate sized containers or drawers, etc. Place extra towels in the room as well as blankets and ...

Create YOUR Healthier Life

De-cluttering and organizing are linked hand in hand with a change in thinking, habits and lifestyle.  To that end, Shaklee is commited to creating healthier lives................As promised, the article from my guest blogger, Julie Maddux of Shaklee .  Have you ever wondered if the vitamin you are taking will really nourish your body? Shaklee Micronutrient Advanced Release Technology S.M.A.R.T. 12 Patents and two patents pending on the S.M.A.R.T. delivery system means you can't find it anywhere else. Two Caroto-E-Omega (Carotenoids, Vitamin E, and Omega-3 Fish Oil) pH-activated enteric coating protects from stomach acid for release only after reaching upper intestine. Two Vita-Lea* Multivitamin/Multimineral Folic acid microcoating for immediate release in stomach. One B + C Complex (B Vitamins and Vitamin C). Sustained-released gel-diffusion system clinically proven to maintain blood-nutrient levels over 12 hours. ...