
Showing posts from November, 2010

‘Tis the season for stress free shopping… fa-la-la-la, la-la-la –la

Guest blogger Audra Fettinger shares how to keep the stress out of shopping.  Enjoy! Finding the perfect gift can be exhausting, time consuming and stressful. (Especially if you have two or three little “elves” helping you.) Simplify your holiday shopping by buying the same gift for most of your family and friends. Several years ago I switched to this method of shopping and let me tell you, IT WORKS! Last year, everyone on our list got cologne or perfume. When you have to concentrate on just one category it makes shopping simple. This efficient shopping has helped me focus on sale ads and where to shop. I no longer go from store to store wandering the aisles. Black Friday is my idea of modern torture, so I try to get presents for a good deal prior to the holiday rush. Last years fragrant presents were bought at just two stores. Want to give it a try? These suggestions should spark a roaring fire. • fleece jackets • books • kites • craft kits • movie tickets or vide...

The Community Reserve of New Carlisle

I visited the Community Reserve of New Carlisle's Clothing Giveaway at the Wesleyan Church in New Carlisle last Saturday at the invitation of Marvin Larue.  I met Marvin and his wife through a networking group that I belong to.  I was so impressed with the organization of this charitable operation!  The Community Reserve had 14 friendly volunteers work to set up the clothing giveaway in 4 1/2  hours. The day that I visited, the Community Reserve had helped 114 people and 27 families. Today, Thanksgiving Day, is a day to enjoy your family and friends and to be thankful for what you have.  However, if what you have is just way too much and you need to de-clutter and get organized, may I suggest donating your clothing, household items and furniture to The Community Reserve?  Their website can be visited by clicking here. Just a few friendly volunteers from at The Community Reserve. The Community Reserve was a prayer answered for me ...

Women In Leadership Girls Night Out Wrap Up

Women In Leadership's Inaugural Girls Night Out was so much fun!  I wish you could have been there!  I met some wonderful women and got to know a few vendors and a little about their businesses.  I shot some video of Bee's Purse Parties, Harry and David a visit from Phyllis Lapczynski and her buddy Pat and of course a video of myself and my co-worker and guest blogger Audra.  Enjoy!

37 Days Until Christmas! Helpful Holiday Hints are Here!

A few more tips to get you holiday ready - and less stressed! Ship and Stamp in your Pajamas Did you know that the post office offers stamps by mail, the ability to order boxes delivered to your door for free and you can also schedule a home pick up?  No more waiting in line at the post office = no stress!  I've been using this service for years and it is so helpful............and I don't have to change out of my comfy pj's to do it! Let's Talk Turkey Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, talk with your family members and decide how or if you will give gifts this year.  You may want to each draw a name and buy for that family member.  Or agree not to buy gifts at all and arrange to go out to a nice dinner or a movie..........or go ice skating together.  That way you will have a nice memory to enjoy instead of a shiny-new-whatchamacalit that you really didn't need in the first place. More tips to follow in the coming days. 

Keep the Winter Blues at Bay........Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Shaklee Advisor Julie Maddux shares with  us how to stay healthy this holiday season.  After all, you can't be sick with all of those fun activities you have planned!   Have you ever wondered how much Vitamin D you need? Or wondered why all the current excitement on this Vitamin? Do you get the blues in the winter? Do you have high cholesterol? Check out my website, take the 2 min. test to see how much Vitamin D you need. It just might be your answer to the winter blues or mood swings, even lower your cholesterol.

A Clean Van Makes a Happy Family

With the holidays upon us - and holiday travel, my guest blogger Audra will fill you in on organizing your vehicle for the upcoming travel season.  As Audra says, a clean van does indeed make for a happy family - and a happier trip! Last week I climbed in my van and found that after a month of neglect is was a mess! I couldn’t find anything I needed and everything that was missing from inside the house. Has anyone else found a toothbrush in the car? Here’s a few tips for moms on how to organize your minivan, or car, so it’s family friendly and not a trash can on wheels. For me the key to keeping the van organized is having a place for everything. I also keep things right at my fingertips for when I’m driving and need to handle a sticky situation. First, de-clutter the van by taking everything out. Get rid of trash and recycling. Then, sort the rest of the stuff into two containers. Use one box for things to move back to their proper home, and the other for things that belong i...

Confessions of a Clutterholic

I saw Lois Morton perform this song at my very first NAPO conference back in 2006.  You can watch her here Enjoy!