A Clean Van Makes a Happy Family

With the holidays upon us - and holiday travel, my guest blogger Audra will fill you in on organizing your vehicle for the upcoming travel season.  As Audra says, a clean van does indeed make for a happy family - and a happier trip!

Last week I climbed in my van and found that after a month of neglect is was a mess! I couldn’t find anything I needed and everything that was missing from inside the house. Has anyone else found a toothbrush in the car? Here’s a few tips for moms on how to organize your minivan, or car, so it’s family friendly and not a trash can on wheels. For me the key to keeping the van organized is having a place for everything. I also keep things right at my fingertips for when I’m driving and need to handle a sticky situation.

First, de-clutter the van by taking everything out. Get rid of trash and recycling. Then, sort the rest of the stuff into two containers. Use one box for things to move back to their proper home, and the other for things that belong in the car. These items return to their new and improved space after a quick vacuum and window washing. Encourage your family members to move their own items while you keep cleaning.

Wash, vacuum and clean the windows. If this is too big of tacks, enlist the kids to help or hire someone to do the detailing.

Below are some before and after photos. See that nice green baskets? Get some. They will help you organize the space keep things from hiding under the seats. Boxes, small totes and the huge Ziploc bags also work. Stay tuned for what to put in those new containers.


What a mess! I found old Sippy cups, Taco Bell wrappers, a pair of shoes, and a toothbrush.


Everything has a specific spot. The reusable grocery bags have made it back to the van and I have a donation bag ready to drop off.

Written by: Audra F.


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