
Showing posts from February, 2011

I Put the Perfect Outfit Together Once

I'll be the first to admit, I am no fashionista.  I want to be.  Really, I do.  I am so bad that when I see a mannequin in the store wearing an outfit I like, I buy each piece and try to re-create the look.  Sad, huh?  Here's the problem - I get the perfect outfit together, wear it, wash it and return it to my closet, it's forgotten.  I group my pants, dresses, skirts, tops together and then I group them further by color.  I never got the hang of remembering what went with what - only that my closet is a perfectly ordered array of color. So, I stumbled upon this product today from . Photo from I found out about Clothes Mates from a postcard mailing.  I admit - I filed the card away in my Pending file and today the task of "check your Pending file" came up and there was the card.  Being in the profession that I am in, I get loads of product information in the mail.  I was re...

Thank You to My Sponsor's for this Sunday's St. Margaret's House Winter Walk

Thank you to the following businesses that have graciously sponsored me for this Sunday's Winter Walk!  Ron Colpitts - Complete Home Inspections Jennifer Hatfield - Therapy and Learning Services, Inc. If you would like YOUR business listed here, there is still time to donate.  Simply visit  to make your donation.  Send me an email  once you have donated just to make sure you get listed on my blog! 2010 WBOM Winter Walk Participants The funds raised help St. Margaret’s House improve the lives of women who struggle with economic poverty. St. Margaret’s House is a safe, hospitable place where women and children can receive a hot meal, clothing, and help to discover their gifts, learn new skills, and create a better life for themselves and their families. Thank you so muc...

What happens after I contact Simply Organized?

1. Telephone consultation This is complimentary. We will talk about the space that you want organized. Consultations focus on one space at a time. 2. Initial consultation Simply Organized will come to your home or office and view the space that will be organized. We will talk about what's working and what's not working. We will talk about your goals for the space and for your life. 3. The Organizing process A. Planning We will take what we have discussed and seen and we will put together and action plan to get the space organized. B. Sort and Purge We will soft items into like categories. You decide what you love, use and need. The items that do not fit that criteria that you want to discard or donate will be placed into the appropriate boxes. C. Containerize Everything that remains needs a home. We will decide together the best container for your items. Simply Organized includes all necessary containers needed to complete an organizing job. D. Manage F...

A Dream Come True for Clutter Conscious Bookworms!

I love books.  Books can teach, transport you to another world, enlighten you,  make you laugh or cry.  There is also one other thing that books can do and that is to cause clutter.  Yes, you can have too many books. However, with technology tools today like the Kindle, you can now enjoy as many as 3,500 books.  Imagine physically having to store that many books in your home.  You'd have to have a separate rental unit just for your books and don't even get me started on that! The Kindle also offers free 3G wireless - so while you are out and about you can check your emails, the weather, post your status on your Facebook. And the best part - you can download books immediately.  If you need a book right now, it's just a click away.  This can really come in handy on a day like today in Northern Indiana when we are in the middle of a blizzard. From what I've seen of the Kindle, it's a dream come true for us clutter conscious bookworms!