You are late for a meeting, you can't find the file you are supposed to have with you and you get in your car just in time to remember - you were going to fill it up - but forgot. Now you are really going to be late! Rats! How often does this happen to you? Okay, not this exact scenario but something similar. Every day, every hour, every minute? Do you want to change that? I am offering a way for you to change from dis-organized to organized through my De-Clutter Your Life Membership Program. Click here to register. Program Schedule Each month, you will be emailed a lesson along with homework. A few of the lesson subjects are listed below. Lessons: How to get started Paper Management Time management Completing Projects Changing Behavior Maintenance Psychology behind clutter How to Eliminate Junk Mail Closet Management Stress Management ALSO INCLUDED IN YOUR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP: 1 quarterly 1/2 ho...