
Showing posts from March, 2018

Are you your own worst enemy?   Learn how to identify and overcome self sabotage during the Ask the Organizer-Coach Q & A Call on Wednesday, March 28th

Self-sabotage.  How does it show up for you? Overthinking? Double booking your calendar? Doubting yourself? Negative self-talk? Procrastinating? Not finishing a project? Worrying? Feeling unworthy? All of the above? Think back to the last time self-sabotage showed up for you.  What form did it arrive in?  Use the list above for a reference or write one of your own. Identifying how self-sabotage is showing up for you is the first step in overcoming it. Often times, negative self talk shows up first.  Only to be followed close behind by self-sabotage. Our greatest enemy is usually - ourselves. Being uncomfortable in your own skin often leads to self-sabotage. Self-sabotage creeps in when we try to control our own destiny......instead of doing the hard work and then letting it evolve naturally.   Join me on Wednesday, March 28th at 11 a.m. CST.  We are going to dive deep into self-sabotage and learn ho...

Change is uncomfortable - but gorgeous at the end.

Change is uncomfortable.  It makes me uneasy.  It's unsettling.   Have you ever felt the same? Change, for me, was also necessary.  Which is totally contradictory to what I just said, right? A few weeks ago, I was talking with my coach and sharing with her that I was feeling super uncomfortable.  I was somewhat aware that I was changing, but I wasn't giving it my undivided attention.   Carol, my coach, explained to me that I was feeling was completely normal.  And I knew it - but I didn't want to necessarily deal with it.  She asked me to embrace it.  Once I did, I got even more uncomfortable.  It was one of the worst feelings I've ever experienced.  It was difficult for me to make a decision.  Who am I?  Who am I changing into?  Do my old thoughts and ideas match who I am becoming?  How is this change going to change the way I present myself, work with clients, live my life? You know what? The moment ...

Mastering Your Mindset and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Mindset is a funny thing.   When it's strong, you feel like you can tackle anything.  When it's weak, you feel like you have no energy and can't accomplish a thing. Let me share an example with you.   Are you wishing that you could declutter your dining room table so that you can share meals as a family, but a little voice is telling you that you can't do it?  Sound familiar? This was Ellen's wish during last month's call.   She tried in the past, the table got cluttered again and she shut down. During the call, Ellen identified a new way to deal with her dining room table, when it gets cluttered.  Something she's never tried before.  She changed her mindset. Are you interested in the steps you can take to make your mindset so strong that not only have you cleared and kept your (fill in the blank) clear, but your family is sharing quality time together - and your relationships have become stronger?  If yes, read on. Do you: ...