What Will You Do With 246 Days?
That's it. As of today, April 29th, 2011 - there are 246 days left until New Year Day 2012. What will you do with 246 days? The letter below was written by a woman in South Portland, ME and was featured in body+soul magazine. She has a great idea for getting rid of the clutter in her home.....one day and one items at a time. Clutter Queen Last year, I finally decided to do something about all of the clutter in my house. My plan? Get rid of 365 things in 365 days. I started with small items and soon found that viewing the junk in my home with an eye for decluttering helped me see more and more things that I no longer needed. By the end of the year, I had reached my goal. In addition to opening space in my home, I also freed up time, since I don't have to clean and pick up as much. This project deeply changed my worldview about possessions, clutter and what makes a home. You have 246 days. Can you imagine how di...