No No Gadgets!
One thing that irritates me is not being able to find something I need. While digging for my favorite rubber scraper I noticed most of the tools I have are not being used. The garlic press, zester, cheese grater and dull pizza cutter are just taking up space. I have acquired too many tools and gadgets that just add clutter, not efficiency.
Re purpose and assign double duty to household items. Simplifying the amount of gadgets you own gives you more time to enjoy the things you love. Here’s a list of multipurpose items that will help reduce clutter.
I already own attachments to my Kitchen Aid that slice and shred. So multiples of these items can go.
Inexpensive dish pans replace:
Toy bins
Ice and beverage holders for a gathering
Easy to carry snack and juice boxes for the team
CD storage
Kitchen Knives replace:
A garlic press
Citrus peeler
Apple slicer/corer
Keep bags closed (Ditch the chip clip.)
Display cards, photographs and pictures
Use to label items hanging in storage
A toothbrush holder can store paintbrushes
Silicone poached egg pods? Not necessary. A tea cup can gently float the egg onto the water.
Substitute the rim of a cup to cut out cookie and biscuit.
Cheers to more time doing what you want to do instead of shuffling through unnecessary stuff.