Joy On the Other Side of Grief - Post #2 - My Handwriting Is The Worst!

My dad's handwriting

I have always been self conscious about my handwriting.  My mother's handwriting is perfect.  I mean, just lovely.  Then there's mine.  No matter how I tried - I just could not measure up to hers.

If someone said, "my handwriting is the worst," I would challenge them to look at mine.  I always won.

Recently, my perspective has changed.  A sample of my dad's handwriting can be seen above.  I was floored when I saw this.  It is identical to my - what I thought - was awful handwriting.  Now, admittedly, it is not the best.  What changed my perspective is that it is my dad's handwriting and even though I grew up without him - my handwriting matches.  How cool is that?  Answer - very.

Finding this, I feel like somehow my dad is still influencing me.  I am also taking a part of him into the future.

So - sloppy handwriting is now my mark of honor.

What's your joy on the other side of grief?

In Joy,



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