Day Eight: Joyfully Organized - Rose Colored Glasses

Each day from December 7th through the day of the Joyfully Organized Teleclass - January 7th - I will be posting each day about something that made me happy, joyful, smile or laugh - you get the idea.

I wear glasses.  I'm generally okay with this.  However, when it's really sunny out - I used to squint because I could not find a pair of sunglasses to fit over my glasses.

Until Hawaii.  My husband and I were lucky enough to take a trip recently to celebrate our 21st year of marriage.

On a lark I decided to check into a selection of sunglasses at a local shop.

I found these!

They fit perfectly over my own glasses - AND - the lenses are rose colored.  I am a very happy cliché.   I am truly looking at the world through rose colored glasses.

What made you joyful today?

In Joy,



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