Are you your own worst enemy? Learn how to identify and overcome self sabotage during the Ask the Organizer-Coach Q & A Call on Wednesday, March 28th
Self-sabotage. How does it show up for you? Overthinking? Double booking your calendar? Doubting yourself? Negative self-talk? Procrastinating? Not finishing a project? Worrying? Feeling unworthy? All of the above? Think back to the last time self-sabotage showed up for you. What form did it arrive in? Use the list above for a reference or write one of your own. Identifying how self-sabotage is showing up for you is the first step in overcoming it. Often times, negative self talk shows up first. Only to be followed close behind by self-sabotage. Our greatest enemy is usually - ourselves. Being uncomfortable in your own skin often leads to self-sabotage. Self-sabotage creeps in when we try to control our own destiny......instead of doing the hard work and then letting it evolve naturally. Join me on Wednesday, March 28th at 11 a.m. CST. We are going to dive deep into self-sabotage and learn ho...