Do You Have A Vision?

The photo that you see above is my vision board.  This is what I look at when I sit at my desk.  It motivates me, makes me look forward to the future. 

I'd like to tell you about some of the photographs on my vision board: 

I have two photographs of a convertible Murano.  I see myself tooling around a lovely vacation spot in this little gem. 

I have two photographs of the Hotel Hershey.  This is one of my favorite places to visit.  It is a beautiful hotel, but more than that, they have an out of this world spa.  Once a year, my husband and I take a vacation to Pennsylvania.  He attends a toy train convention for a day and I get to spend one entire day at the spa.  It is the one day out of the year that I take all for myself.  One. Whole. Day.  Need I say more? 

To the top right of the board, I have a note that was written by my grandma.  I found it after she passed away.  My grandma was one for jotting down her thoughts on paper - any paper she found anywhere.  On this paper she wrote, "millionaire business woman - Wendy."  Now, I have no idea where she was going with this - but I take is as an affirmation that my grandma believed in me and the work that I am doing. 

I also have a photo of a beach cottage.  I have this because one of my goals is for my husband and myself to take June, July and August off every year to escape to our cottage (the one that at this point exists only in our dreams).  I want to spend every summer bicycling, hiking, picnicking and reading. 

Here is the interesting thing about this board.  I have had it up for about 3 years now.  Recently, I added the photo of the beach cottage to the board.  While I was rearranging some photos, I came across a note that I had written with the intention reading, "work from home consulting."  When I wrote that, I was doing only hands on organizing.  Now, three years later I am consulting from home.  That blew me away. 

When I created this board, I had just finished reading, "The Secret."  In "The Secret", one of the contributors talks about his vision board.  He and his family moved, he packed up his vision board and never opened the box again until about 5 years down the road.  In that time, he and his family had moved two more times.  When he opened the box containing the vision board, he was taken aback.  One of the photos on the board was of the home he was now living in.   He had cut out a photo of his dream home years before, posted it on the vision board and forgot about it.  He was now living the dream.

I think it all comes down to believing in what you are doing, and posting a picture of your intentions in your mind every day by seeing your vision board.

What will your vision board look like?  The sky is the limit!


Dawn Millsap said…
This is great - and not too many years ago, we were both in less than satisfying nowhere heading jobs. Yeah you! This is a good reminder of the Secret principles. Clearly, they do work!

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