A Clearer, Simpler Way to Eat
Never in a million years did I ever think I would consider becoming a vegetarian or even a vegan. This book has changed my mind. In The Kind Diet, Alicia Silverstone explains the environmental impact eating meat, eggs and dairy have to our world.
She also explains that when we cut out meat, eggs and dairy, we start living more simply and really start connecting with our bodies natural rhythm. I like that - and the word simply just stuck out for me.
I think this is just another piece of the puzzle to truly become less stressed, less cluttered and to focus on what's important.
I am going to slowly incorporate a vegan diet into my lifestyle. It is not going to be easy and I'm sure I'll fall off the wagon many times, but if a simpler and healthier way to eat and a healthier planet is what I get in return, I'll give it a shot!