Back to School Clothing on a Budget

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share information that was printed in our church bulletin this past weekend.  This may help make your children's back to school clothing budget s-t-r-e-t-c-h a little further:

Starting to think about Back to School Clothing?

Did you know that the St. Mary's Clothing Store is one of the best kept secrets in the area?  There are name brand clothes, shoes, purses, hats, coats, swimsuits for male and female adults and children that are in new or gently used condition for a few dollars or sometimes a few cents.  You are encouraged to stop down to find a great deal or maybe donate your new or gently used items that you no longer need.

Call the clothing shop for more information at 219-872-7494 on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-3:30 located at 321 W. 11th Street in Michigan City in the St. Mary's School Building.


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