The Conversation NO ONE Wants to Have

Are your affairs in order? (Ugh.) So it's not a fun topic, but it is necessary.

In specific, is your paperwork in order. (Eeee gads.) Yep, paperwork. The important stuff such as but not limited to:

Living Will
Durable Power of Attorney

Internet passwords
*Social Media

If you run/own your own business - does your partner or assistant know where the important documents are kept? Is there a plan in place if you were to pass away?

What are your final wishes?

What legacy do you want to leave? Are your photographs marked, organized?

Are there specific items you wish to pass along to a friend or family member? Is there a way to let that person know the story behind the item?

Who will take care of your pets? Will they receive financial resources to cover food, shelter, veterinarian bills?

Where is your safe deposit key? Does anyone else know where it is?

By now you may have beads of sweat appearing on your forehead. I know it is a very heavy topic and I've given you much to think about.

The good news is that the enormous task of your final wishes can be broken down into smaller tasks - to be done over time.

If you do not have legal documents in place, contact an attorney to get them drawn up.

If you do not have your passwords written down or no one knows where they are, you should take care of that. A great tool to keep your passwords is a password keeper notebook or if you are digitally inclined oneSafe from Apple is a great password keeper.

If you own/run your own business contact an attorney to assist you with figuring out what will happen when you leave this earth.

It may help you to take a pad of paper and write down everything you need to take care of before that final curtain call. Take each task and complete them one by one.

If you have elderly parents or relatives and are not sure where they stand with their arrangements, a great way to find out is to play this game

If you have any questions or would like to schedule your complimentary telephone consultation, you can contact me at 219-575-3821 or email me at


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