What's for Dinner?

Saving money is a priority. An easy way to cut cost is by planning your meals around weeklycircular ads. 

Creating a list and planning meals also has an additional benefit. 

Less trips to the store equals more gas in your tank. Just remember: it's not a bargain if you buy something you'll never use.

Here are the five easy steps in preparing a menu without emptying your bank account.

1. Draw four columns on a piece of paper. Label the columns; meals, produce, dairy, canned goods, bakery.

2. Look at your calendar for the upcoming week. This dinner will need to be quick and easy. If you have a late night at the office or a sports event to attend designate that on your paper. 
(You can circle, highlight or draw a star next to the day.) 

3. Gather your circulars and search for items and brands that you usually purchase.

4. Sale items are then written in the appropriate category and placed in the meal column 
as well.

5. Fill in the blanks for missing menu items and ingredients.

Viola, you have budget friendly meals planned for the week. 

Pinterest has many more meal planning solutions, freezer meal ideas and shopping 
templates. Check out www.theprojectgirl.com for free meal planning printables. Food on the Table is a free app that lets you create a menu based on sale ads. You simply choose your 

More helpful tips! 

*Create freezer meals. These meals are made ahead, frozen and ready to be thawed and 

* Semi-homemade meals. Buy a rotisserie chicken that's on sale and make healthy side 
dishes at home. 

* Brown or cook double the meat you need for that nights meal. Place the second portion in the freezer for a night that you're short on time. I usually make double the spaghetti sauce 
and freeze half.

* Use your crock pot!


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