
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Things You Get to See When You Don't Hesitate

My husband and I were lucky enough to travel to Hawaii.  We stayed on Oahu and got to do many things - like experiencing a luau, climbing to the top of Diamond Head and - flying in a helicopter. Not only flying in a helicopter but one with the doors off.   Yep.  That's right.  No doors. I recently got over my fear of flying.  Now my husband suggested this little adventure.  I decided I would say yes and get on that whirlybird with no doors. I am so glad that I did.  Had I not - I would never have seen this.  This is a picture of Pearl Harbor and the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial.  If you look closely, you can see the U.S.S. Arizona underneath the memorial.  A sight I could not see while standing inside the memorial. What are you hesitant to do?  What are you missing out on because of that hesitation?  What will you gain if you do it? In Joy, Wendy

Joyfully Organized: It is time to go from being JoyLESS to JoyFUL!

On December 7th I will be kicking off my Joyfully Organized Blog Post.  Each day from December 7th through January 7th I will be posting about something that made me happy, joyful, smile, laugh - you get the picture. I am doing this to kick off my Joyfully Organized:  It is time to go from being JoyLESS to JoyFUL Teleclass scheduled for January 7th at 2 p.m. C.S.T.   To find out more about my T eleclass or to register please visit my Teleclass web page. Now, I couldn't wait to make the announcement because I am so excited.  So I'm going to start my first post now.  A pre-post if you will. I'm going to start off by telling you that I have not been joyful - about the snow.  At all.   Boy have I been complaining. I came across this poem in a photo album that was my grandmothers.  I think she was trying to send me a message - stop it.  So I stopped complaining.  I started thinking about writing my Joyfully Organized ...

Live the Life You Love.....

Live the Life You Love - Love the Life You Live.   I bought this sign as a reminder to myself to always strive for this. I love that this sign features the infinity symbol.  It's a nice reminder that at any given moment, I may be loving the life I live or not so much loving it, but it always keeps looping. Do I love the life I live everyday?  Most of the time I do.  Sometimes I do fall short.  On those days when I'm not loving it so much I ask myself - what can I do right now to make this moment, or this day, a little happier?  Sometimes it is as simple as choosing to try the new mint scented body lotion I just picked up. Do you Live the Life You Love - and Love the Life You Live?  If you don't - what can you do right now, in this moment, to be happy? In Joy, Wendy